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I have a mango allergy but I love Philippine mangoes so much

It's been a while since I wrote a personal post.

I went to Cebu for a short while last week.

I've been a bit negligent about managing my blog.

From now on, I will try to manage it diligently again.

Actually, everyone who has visited my blog knows

My blog is not really 100% personal.

I will be writing a lot of informational or promotional articles.

Please consider this blog owner's business.

I would appreciate it if you could look at it favorably.

Anyway.. today's topic is mango allergy..

※ I don't have a picture of the mango, so I got it from the internet. Sorry.

(I will delete it if there is a problem)

Philippine Mango Allergy
Do you see? These gorgeous mangoes.. The slightly darker yellow one on the top is the delicious one that is ready to eat.

I have a mango allergy

Since I first came to the Philippines, I have loved mangoes so much.

Even though I know I have allergies

I am one of those people who still enjoy eating it so much

Actually, I didn't even know I had a mango allergy.

I didn't even know there was such a thing as mango allergy

Philippine Mango
One Mango Shake a Day is the Truth

Since I first came to the Philippines

I lived with a mango shake hanging from my neck

I am a person who always puts a mango in my mouth wherever I go.

Even though I ate like that, there was no particular problem.

But now that I think about it

Maybe because I mostly eat raw fruit...

I think I either didn't have any symptoms of mango allergy or they were so mild that I didn't know about them.

But one day long ago...

That day when I really wanted mango... (probably when I was in Clark or Angel)

Go to the market and buy 5-6 kilos of mangoes.

There was a day when I ate only mango instead of rice all day long.

Philippine Mango
I think I bought about this much

The most delicious part of a mango is when you cut it and eat it.

When I cut the mango into 3 pieces

Sucking on the mango that is attached to the middle seed

It's the most delicious

Philippine Mango
Mango is like this..

Philippine Mango
Splitting is the basic 3-stage separation method

At that time... that day...

It was a day when I really wanted mango

The mango I bought was sweet and sweet enough to eat right away.

Until all the flesh attached to the mango seed is gone.

I remember sucking it up.

Mango allergy
The ones attached to the real mango seeds are the most delicious.

But since that day when I ate something so delicious

I started to develop mango allergy symptoms

The main symptoms are

First of all, the lips look like they're malnourished.

The skin is peeling, itchy and swollen.

Mango allergy
This is a photo I copied... My lips look a bit more pale than this

Well, if you only have these symptoms

I just thought, "Oh, I have allergies. It's itchy and swollen."

The biggest problem with my mango allergy is...

... My precious one is so ticklish that it's driving me crazy

This... It's not like the shell is itchy

It's not like the inside is itchy

First of all, it's so itchy that it drives me crazy.

Both Sojung and FIRE EGG suffer from itching.

But if you endure the itchiness,

It lasts for about a week and then gradually disappears.

Philippine Mango
Wow.. apple mango.. I havent tried it yet, but it looks really delicious..

At first, I couldn't even imagine that this was a mango allergy.

Are you just feeling a little unwell?

Is that the disease?

After thinking about it

It wasn't until about two years ago that I realized this was an allergic reaction to mangoes.

So I did a search

I learned that there is such a thing as mango allergy.

Since mango is a plant in the poison ivy family, such symptoms can occur.

There are many ingredients in the skin and seeds that cause allergic symptoms~

I found out that

From then on, whenever I eat raw mango

Wash the shells thoroughly

After cutting it into three pieces, which is the common way to break down a mango,

Discard the part with the seeds.

They only eat what's inside the shell.

But even if you eat it like this...

Sometimes my lips feel swollen and a little ticklish

I don't think there's a way to deal with it perfectly...

Instead, someone else, not me, cuts the mango.

Separate the flesh

If you eat it with a spoon or fork

I don't think I've ever had any mango allergy symptoms.

Philippine Mango
Ah.. This photo makes me want to eat mango at night

But this time I went to Cebu and came back

I was at the hotel and I was craving mango again

I ordered and ate 4 fresh mangoes at the hotel cafe.

Even though I know I shouldn't eat the flesh attached to the seed,

There's no choice... There's really no choice...

I can't help it because I know it's so delicious...

I ended up sucking it again

I've been struggling ever since that day.

I'm going crazy, it's so ticklish..

Someone please scratch this... I can't give it to you, so I'm holding back hard

Still, among the allergy symptoms

It is not a serious symptom such as the esophagus being swollen and blocked.

I'm grateful that I can still eat mangoes

Among you, is there anyone like me?

There are people who did not know about it because the symptoms were mild or not.

I think it might be possible..

If there are people who take medicine when eating lacquer chicken,

When you eat mango, please be careful.

Philippine Mango
Mango of love and hate...

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